
“SEP helped me understand and bring in effective teaching practices that can improve students’ classroom experiences, which we often overlook while focusing on the students’ learning content and learning outcomes.”
– Dr. Debarati Basu, Software and Information Systems
“Participating in the SEP has provided the tools, training, and community to help me ensure that ALL of my students feel a sense of belonging at the University and get the support and resources they need to be successful in my class. UNC Charlotte has such a diverse student population, and many of our students face barriers to success and often struggle to feel that they belong. This is especially true for students in STEM disciplines. Being able to see if they are benefiting from my teaching practices in the biology classroom and if the changes I’m making are actually improving their experiences and engagement has been invaluable to me.”
– Dr. Sam Suptela, Biological Sciences
“After taking part in the Student Experience Project last Fall, I have implemented many of these strategies in my course and THEY WORK!! One of the first things I did was add a “confession” to the first week of class. Basically, I tell the students of my own struggles, first with anxiety/depression/panic attacks and second with failing college algebra and leaving Pre-Med because of it. This is actually a great time for me to introduce the active reading strategies as an introduction to Metacognitive Learning Strategies. As a side note, since I began implementing the strategies discussed in the Student Experience Project, which actively worked on mindset, the failure rate in my class has dropped substantially. I hope this continues!”
– Heather Mode, Anthropology